Lotus Effect | Efecto Lotus

Photo by William Thielicke

Photo by William Thielicke

The observed superhydrophobic and self-cleaning property found with lotus plants leaves is called Lotus Effect. In some Eastern cultures, the lotus plant is a symbol of purity. Although lotuses prefer to grow in muddy rivers and lakes, the leaves and flowers remain clean. Botanists who have studied lotus leaves have found that they have a natural cleaning mechanism. This cleaning mechanism was discovered by Wilhelm Barthlott in 1982 he also holds a patent.  Lotusan is a paint brand that introduces the tecnology found in lotus leaves. In the future self-suficient buildings  will incorporate this kind of materials and many others that Nature by her wisdom privide.

La propiedad superhidrofobica y de autolipieza encontrada en las hojas de la planta de loto es llamada Efecto Lotus. En algunas culturas, esta planta es simbolo de pureza a pesar de que crecen en rios fangosos y lagos. Botanicos han estudiado es el mecanismo de autolimpieza de estas hojas. En 1982,  Wilhem Barthlott lo descubrio y mantiene una patente. Actualmente Lotusan es una marca de pinturas que introduce esta tecnologia encontrada en esta planta. En el futuro, los edificios autosuficientes incorporara este y muchos mas materiales que la Naturaleza con sabiduria nos provee.


7 responses to “Lotus Effect | Efecto Lotus

  1. Pingback: BIOMIMICRY: Solving engineering problems and inefficiency by observing Nature « The Conservation Report·

  2. Hi,

    I’m a graduate student in chemistry doing a seminar on superhydrophobic surfaces, a.k.a. the Lotus Effect. If you have any interesting sites or advice to send, I would very much appreciate it. Beautiful pictures! The Lotus Effect is just gorgeous. Any input? Thank you!


    University of New Orleans

  3. Hello

    I really have to say I love the picture!

    I’m writing an article for the Junior Herald Korea, and would I be able to use that picture for my article?

    Clara Seo

    • Hi Clara!
      Thanks for post the pic… I just mix some picture from other authors… but I think my blog is for a free software community and for the benefit of the Earth without economic or copyright interest.

      Kind regards

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